Lymph Workshop

Loosening the Lymph

Self Lymphatic Drainage 90 Day Challenge
Online Workshop

Sunday, March 30, 2025
2:00pm (Montreal) – Recorded with access for 3 months

Check your time zone here


Follow up Q&As on Zoom:

Saturday, May 10, 2025
10:00am (Montreal) – Recorded with access for 3 weeks

Saturday, June 21, 2025
10:00am (Montreal) – Recorded with access for 1 week

Check your time zone here



Payments accepted by:

  • E-transfer sent to : contact AT hathayogashala DOT com (spelled out to avoid spam)
  • Paypal at PayPal.Me/hathayogashalamtl. (*add $2 to fee)
  • Cash payments in person should be in exact money.


Fee (taxes included) :

$55 CAD

$40 (with spring cleanse participation)

*please add $2 if paying by Paypal

Zoom link will be sent with payment.


**donné en anglais, traductions sur demande (la séquence est facile à suivre 😉)


The lymphatic system helps with our waste management, our immune system, our defence against pathogens and disease. Things like improper eating, lack of movement, injuries, tight clothing, all inhibit proper lymph drainage. It is essential for it to flow in order for our blood to circulate well and the body’s channels to be cleaned.

Our metabolic and mental health depend on smooth flow.

With such an important job one would think it should be a fully self sustaining system but it isn’t. Instead, it is fully dependant on the movement of muscle, impact or manual encouragement to work! Which means we’ve got some homework to do.


Some possible signs of improper lymphatic function:

pain, dull aches
stiffness in muscles, joints, overall body tissue
lack of feeling or weakness in limbs
lumpy, hard breast tissue, breast cancer
auto immune disease
hip or groin pain
frequent colds
swelling (glands, sinuses, ankles/feet, arms/hands, legs, bloating)
no armpit grooves (puffy pin cushion pits)
puffy knees and larger thighs
stiff neck
thick base of skull
water retention, edema
rings or jewelry that are tight
marks left on the skin from clothing
chronic fatigue
general heaviness
post nasal drip or runny nose
allergies/food sensitivities
sleep problems
melancholy, depression
and so much more…

You likely need to address the lymph if you have ever:

broken your collarbones
have had tonsils, appendix or lymph nodes removed
damaged/injured knees
broken legs/ankles/arms/wrists
eating or drinking addictions
are overweight
lead a sedentary life
have issues that stump doctors

There are very few people who do not have at least one of these symptoms which is why keeping the lymph moving is so important for every living being on the planet.

Weight gain with age is more an accumulation of stagnant lymph from a lifetime of improper flow and habits and can be changed over time.

You will be shown a simple but very effective sequence to do daily and a variety of ways to perform it. It will be up to you to apply it in order to see results. Are you up for it?

Possible Expected Results:

weight loss
return of energy
more mobility
ease of pains
reduction in fluid retention
better sleep
stronger immunity, metabolism and health

general overall feeling better mentally, emotionally and physically

Included in this workshop:

• Introduction workshop with recorded video link access for 3 months
• A daily protocol routine
• PDF document
• Two follow up live Zoom Q&A with recorded access

Fee (taxes included) :

$55 CAD

$40 (with spring cleanse participation)

*please add $2 if paying by Paypal

Zoom link will be sent with payment.

Open to all at ANY age.  Given in English.

Online courses are offered on ZOOM. All prices are in CAD including taxes and times indicated are based on Montreal Eastern.

*all live sessions will be recorded in case you can’t make it.


Payments accepted by:

  • E-transfer sent to : contact AT hathayogashala DOT com (spelled out to avoid spam)
  • Paypal at PayPal.Me/hathayogashalamtl. (*add $2 to fee)
  • Cash payments in person should be in exact money.